Concussed: Precipice of the Void Out Today on Somewherecold Records!
Sound artist, Jim Branstetter (also recording under the moniker Schmekelhead) releases his long awaited full length debut album as Concussed on Somewherecold Records. Precipice Of The Void was recorded during the COVID 19 Pandemic and is a time progressive documentation of the mental and physical challenges during that time.
As the plague unfolded, Precipice Of The Void became an extension of Branstetter‘s feeling of walking toward something while blindfolded. The uncertainty of the times along with a tin-pot dictator at the helm produced a sense of an anxiety and uncertainty that informed Concussed‘s first full-length album.
Branstetter utilized analog gear to create drones, homemade electro acoustic sounds, samples, and bent tape tracks recorded to 4 track tape. Unlike Schmekelhead, an Industrial Noise project where Branstetter developed a concept by editing video and interpreting it through sound, he picked a subject and developed sound textures around that theme allowing the listener to create their own interpretation.
Get a copy of Concussed: Precipice of the Void today on CD or on all digital formats!