Somewherecold Spotifycast #16

Somewherecold Spotifycast #16

Hello readers! It’s time for the Monday Spotifycast here at Somewherecold. It’s another shoegaze-laden cast but I’ve concentrated on bands that are not from either North…

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Somewherecold Spotifycast #15 - Guest Curator Krissy Vanderwoude of Whimsical

Somewherecold Spotifycast #15 – Guest Curator Krissy Vanderwoude of Whimsical

Hello readers! We have a guest curator today for our Spotifycast. Krissy Vanderwoude of Whimsical has agreed to share a list of tracks with us!…

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Somewherecold Spotifycast #14

Somewherecold Spotifycast #14

Hello Readers! Sorry this is a bit late today but I was hanging out with Wyatt at Saint Marie Records (nice guy! buy albums!). Anyway,…

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Somewherecold Spotifycast #13

Somewherecold Spotifycast #13

Hello readers! It’s Monday and time for our weekly spotifycast! Hope all your Holidays are full of joy and as little family drama as possible….

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Somewherecold 2016 Holidaycast

Somewherecold 2016 Holidaycast

Happy Holidays readers! It’s December 23rd and time for a list of holiday tracks. Our holidaycast features tracks from the Cocteau Twins, Pet Shop Boys, Au…

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Somewherecold Spotifycast #12

Somewherecold Spotifycast #12

Hello readers! I hope this new spotifycast finds you well! I have collected a number of tracks from darker bands this week. We tip our…

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