OUT TODAY: Jeremy Bastard – “Love is a Mistake (feat. Disolve)” Single
Another track from the phenomenal full-length All is History, There is No Memory, “Love is a Mistake (feat. Disolve)” is the newest single from Jeremy Bastard’s masterful full-length. As with all the former releases for the singles off this album, “Love is a Mistake” comes with unique singles not found on the album. “Love is Mistake” comes with a brand new track “Nightlight (feat. Pursesnatchers)” as well as an Eric Shans remix of the track. Reminiscent of mid-eighties synth greats such as The Human League in their early years, Ministry, with a touch of Fad Gadget and notes of New Order, Jeremy Bastard infuses his synth driven influences with his DJ powered percussion and dance floor ecstasy. Get the single and, more importantly, get the album. On vinyl, it just sounds incredible.
All is History, There is no Memory was released in January of this year and is limited to 250 copies. Get one while we still have copies.