June 19th: The Microdance and Winterwood Release on Bandcamp Day

June 19th: The Microdance and Winterwood Release on Bandcamp Day

A number of things have coalesced to make June 19th a special day at Somewherecold Records. First, Bandcamp is donating all their collected fees to the NAACP next Friday. Every album you buy on Bandcamp will help the NAACP help the poor, needy, and track hate and hate crimes in the U.S. Our first compilation raised $250 for the NAACP and I’m hoping Bandcamp can donate millions.

Second, the long talked about and listened to (in some singles) The Microdance: Our Love Noire will finally go out into the world. If you cannot buy the album on the 19th, please get those pre-orders in. If you want to wait for the 19th to let your purchase count toward justice, I want to ask all of the label supporters to help this album sell out. It’s an incredible album and I would love if the label and the supporters really showed up for the NAACP.

The second release on the 19th is from Winterwood. It is a three disc, brilliantly gorgeous album entitled The Ambient Loops. The title understates how soothing and amazingly beautiful the music is. Winterwood should be on everyone’s radar. There are only 40 copies of this release and you really should scoop one up as soon as you can. Watch the sales count just in case, but I’m hoping this one sells out on June 19th as well. We all really need to do what we can to help these organizations while they stand up in the face of 400 years of deep seeded hate.

Thank you all for your support. While our world seems to be crumbling and, hopefully, reforming for the better, some of us can step in gaps that need filling to help those who work for the less fortunate.

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