NOW STREAMING: The Somewherecold Radio Hour #40

NOW STREAMING: The Somewherecold Radio Hour #40

On this week’s Somewherecold Radio Hour, DJ CorruptSea is played tracks from Blue Unit, Manic Sheep, Start at the End, Winter, Grivo, Mogwai, Caspian, God is an Astronaut, Mono, and Future Museums.

During air times, tune in to The Somewherecold Radio Hour on Highwire Daze Radio on Live365 and join DJ CorruptSea for some great music.

Every other SATURDAY AND TUESDAY AT 10am PST/1pm EST AND 8pm PST/11pm EST.

PLAYER (US, UK and Canada):
THE WORLD: (Use Twitter Playlist to follow along.)

TWITTER: @HDazeRadio

TWITTER PLAYLIST: @HDazeRadioLive (Shows songs every 15 minutes)

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