THUS and SAT: The Somewherecold Radio Hour #39
Hello Somewherecold Faithful! This Thurs and Sat on Highwire Daze Radio at Live365.com, The Somewherecold Radio Hour will be live and bringing you tracks from Charcoal Skies, Outward, Unwed Sailor, Deeper Graves, Fauvely, Slow Glows, Tears Run Rings, Ummagma, Blue Unit, Life on Venus, Slowdive, and Blankenberge. Tune in Thurs and Sat at 1pm/11pm EST at http://www.highwiredazeradio.net/.
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PLAYER (US, UK and Canada): http://player.live365.com/a00224
THE WORLD: http://streaming.live365.com/a00224 (Use Twitter Playlist to follow along.)
TWITTER: @HDazeRadio
Jason: @somewherecold16
PLAYLIST: @HDazeRadioLive (Shows songs every 15 minutes)
Read the Somewherecold Blog: https://somewherecold.net (Sign up for the newsletter too!)
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