TRANSVERSE is a musical group comprised of Jason Lamoreaux (The Corrupting Sea) and Matt Richter (autodealer). The duo met through the Somewherecold Record label, which…
Instrumental rock band North End released their sixth studio album, Halted, one year after their single “Cabra” appeared on a split with signal hill. Halted…
With You Are All At Once, Aidan Baker simultaneously explores song-oriented material and ambient/experimental music, taking simple, minimalist post-rock tunes and extending them into repetitive…
TRANSVERSE is a musical group comprised of Jason Lamoreaux (The Corrupting Sea) and Matt Richter (autodealer). The duo met through the Somewherecold Record label, which…
Autodealer remains Matt Richter with a computer, a guitar, and too many effects. Circuit Dreams the Signal is his second release with Somewherecold Records and…
Instrumental rock band North End released their sixth studio album, Halted, one year after their single “Cabra” appeared on a split with signal hill. Halted…
Autodealer remains Matt Richter with a computer, a guitar, and too many effects. Circuit Dreams the Signal is his second release with Somewherecold Records and…
autodealer is Matt Richter. What began in 2002 as just Matt with a bunch of broken guitar gear has (slowly) morphed into just Matt with…
autodealer is Matt Richter. What began in 2002 as just Richter with a bunch of broken guitar gear has (slowly) morphed into just Richter with…
Permafrost AC: Isen ligger kvar is now up for pre-order and we here at Somewherecold are incredibly excited that you finally get to hear this…