OUT TODAY! THLTTLDBB: SeeUSearching (Somewherecold Records, 2022)
From the edges of the Appalachian Mountains, THLTTLDBB presents SeeUSearching, a dream-like collection of ten songs that will seep into the air around you. Working together as THLTTLDBB, SeeUSearching was generated by Matt Greenwell and Phillip Andrew Lewis over the course of two years. Influenced by the wilderness of infinite browsing, these mostly improvised and processed video and tape loops are the sound of the internet whispering back to you.
SeeUSearching is the second full length album by THLTTLDBB and first release with Somewherecold Records.
“Elements of the semi-classical, trip-hop experiments, European library music, old film image reels and analogue ambient music can all be detected and felt on this both organic but artificially constructed, amorphous album. The opening ambient aria beauty, ‘Angela’s Light’, is worth the entrance fee alone.” ~ Monolith Cocktail
“An unusual phenomenon is occurring in nature at the end of August 2022, as the leaves are already turning golden. It does not herald an early Autumn but indicates the trees shutting down as an act of self-preservation as the water runs dry. What should be a beautiful image in October is instead one that disquiets and discomfits in Summer. It provokes a feeling that echoes throughout SeeUSearching – there is beauty here, but under the surface, there is something more sinister. In nature, it is potentially catastrophic. But in music, it is strangely wonderful.” ~ A Closer Listen