FOR IMMEDIATE PRE-ORDER – Nonconnah/The Corrupting Sea: Distant Fields (Somewherecold, 2020)
Yes Somewherecold faithful, there is another pre-order this week! Another July release we have coming is the split between Nonconnah and The Corrupting Sea entitled Distant Fields. Nonconnah is a genius experimental guitar maestro and his half of the split is emotionally dense. A gorgeous mix of ambient, samples, and walls of sound, Nonconnah brings a special sound to the label and we at the label are incredibly happy to have Nonconnah join the family.
The second half of the split is The Corrupting Sea‘s take on a mini-80’s horror film soundtrack. A mix of guitars, synths, and samples, the faux-film begins with the innocent sounds of that typical prep for a vacation off into the woods or a camp. This quickly turns to an imminent threat and characters fighting to survive until there is only one left.
Get a copy of the limited edition split at the Bandcamp link below and get a song from each artist when you order!