SWC FIRST KICKSTARTER – The Corrupting Sea: Soul Mate (Somewherecold Records, 2020/21)
Hello Somewherecold Fans, it’s been a bit. I’ve been in the wonderful black hole of the studio and attempting to find a new duplicator as Covid changes the world. That said, Somewherecold Records is happy to announce the first Kickstarter campaign for The Corrupting Sea: Soul Mate. The 12th album for the artist, The Corrupting Sea is going to be the lab rat for this Kickstarter world that we have now stepped in to. The hope is that it succeeds and the label moves to making Kickstarter campaigns every quarter or half-year. It will even become easier when Bandcamp opens their vinyl campaign to Somewherecold Records. We are in line for such a move.
“Hello The Corrupting Sea fans both old and new. My newest album, Soul Mate, is a sonic love letter to my partner of almost 26 years. It is my 12th album to date and I am hoping you agree with me that it deserves a proper vinyl treatment. Not only is the album very personal, it is also a stepping stone in my progress as an artist. I would say it is my most ambient album to date.” ~ Jason Lamoreaux (The Corrupting Sea)