OUT TODAY! The Warm Jets: Here We Come (Somewherecold Records, 2019)
Somewherecold Records is proud to announce the official release of the debut album by the duo The Warm Jets. Here We Come is a combination of Chris Boss’ guitar driven style and Jason Lamoreaux‘s deconstructed synthesizers. Only 50 copies of these lovely discs are available, so get one while you can.
“As the story goes, Chris Boss and Jason Lamoreaux were eating dinner at a noodle place in Louisville, Kentucky when the idea for this record you are about to experience was born. At some point in the conversation, Chris suggested he’d love to have a musical project called The Warm Jets, a reference to Brian Eno’s classic record. Jason, an Eno enthusiast as well as an accomplished ambient artist (The Corrupting Sea) suggested the two collaborate—Boss on guitar; Lamoreaux on synthesizer and guitar. Thus, Here We Come is the product of multiple recording sessions over the course of the fall and spring of 2018 and 2019.
The real kick of this album is the joining of two very distinct musical styles. Boss digs ethereal melodies clothed in fuzz, reverb, and delay. Lamoreaux digs haunting and startling landscapes. Combined, the duo create a universe in which the guitar negotiates its existence.
The Warm Jets have provided a record perfect for meditative drives at night or afternoons inside with a cup of hot tea. You’ll want to secure a nice pair of headphones as you’ll not want to miss the myriad of textures and pleasant surprises along the way. This is a private, very intimate listening experience that rewards concentration and multiple plays.”
[…] The Warm Jets: Here We Come (Somewherecold Records) […]