For immediate pre-order is the first in the brand new Trilogy split series from Somewherecold Records. Akkad the Orphic Priest and The Corrupting Sea share…

by Jason In 2018, Single Lash released the epic album Providence. As a follow up to that incredible album, the band has released a new…

by Jason Daniel Land is the dreampop wunderkind from London. His work spans a number of genres including his solo work, more dreampop greatness with…

Somewherecold Records is proud to present Outward: That’s Life on limited compact disc and digital download. Fifteen songs in total, That’s Life is a genre…

by Jason Billow Observatory is the sonic playground of Jonas Munk (Manual, collaborator with Ulrich Schnauss) and Jason Kolb (Auburn Lull). With their third outing…

by Kelli Redding Now that we’re a couple of weeks into 2019, it always seems as though revisiting albums we enjoyed from the previous year…

by Jason There is something special about the music of Daniel Land. His vocals are always angelic and unapologetically vulnerable, and they lay upon musical…

Somewherecold Records is proud to announce the Trilogy Split Series. It will be a series of splits with The Corrupting Sea and a number of…

by Jason Somewherecold Records is proud to announce the release of Corey Philpot‘s Outward: That’s Life coming to limited CD and digital on February 15th!…

Outward – Backroads sneak peak lyric video debuts at the Somewherecold Records Youtube Channel! Outward’s debut album That’s Life is coming to Somewherecold Records in…