by Brent I live in Canada, a nation known as much for its ice hockey and French-speakers as its high taxes. Indeed, with our 15%…

by Jason Astral is a three piece that hails from San Francisco. Submerged in the post-rock/dream-pop scene, Astral adds to that mix influences from 80’s giants such…

by Jason Ok, so post-rock bands are coming out of the woodwork with a mix of breathtaking and not so impressive results, depending on which…

by Jason Formed with ex and current members of Stars of the Lid, Ultrasound, Cinders, ECFA, The Brian Purgington Presents American Vodka, and The Fat…

by Jason Detwiije’s expansive, guitar driven instrumental rock ala Mogwai and Godspeed, You Black Emperor is quickly becoming a common staple in my cd player. Would You…

by Jason Could you please introduce yourselves to our readers? Who are you? Where do you live? Who plays what in the band? How did…

by Jason Destroyalldreamers formed in 2002 in Montreal with Shaun Dore and Eric Quach, and Michele Martin and Mathieu Grise soon followed to fill out…

by Jason Mirza is a long-broken up quartet that made instrumental psychedelic space-rock in San Francisco. Last Clouds is a collection of their first ep that…

by Jason Detwijje is a London based instrumental band. It consists of five members: Ben Levy (guitar), Al Harle (guitar), Ellie Wilson (violin), Ben Seal…

by Jason Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, this five-member band brings subtle sounds and incredible song writing that beautiful and epic. Arch (guitar and vox),…