by Brent A band with a record of quality releases over a long period time is a rare breed. Most bands shine for a few…

by Jason The Crack Babies hail from Sweden and create noisy, lo-fi pop that will either grate on you or welcome you in. This is…

by Brent A few years ago, way back in our site’s history when I first started writing reviews, I received a little 4 song EP…

by Brent As a music lover, I usually have my ear to the ground in the music world, hearing about new artists and new CD’s…

by Brent How did you get your start in music? Well I’ve been playing guitar since I was I a kid, I didn’t actually start…

by Brent Everyone needs a few good Brit-Rock CD’s in their collection, and if Oasis’ latest releases are leaving you a little depressed, look no…

by Jason Brent Heywood, Heather Bray and D. Rossiter hail from the Inland Empire in sunny California. Although most people would equate The Beach Boys…

by Brent It seems that the shadow of Radiohead looms large in the world of current independent music. And while it would be unfair to…

by Brent Frank Lenz needs no introduction, especially if you’ve been listening to independent music for a good amount of time. His amazing drumming, arranging,…

by Brent “Dear Lord, the season of Christmas is at our throats…” prays Archie Bunker in a classic All in the Family, episode and indeed,…