by Brent Richard Swift is a sort of enigma in the independent music world. After releasing two highly acclaimed 7” LP’s and 1 EP on…

by Brent Odessa Chen is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist with a knack for writing haunting songs that linger in the listener’s heart. Her CD, “One Room Palace”…

by Jason I guess I would like to start off by asking a question that spans the years of the Death Cab Recordings. How do…

by Jason Haley croons at the end of “Car Wreck,” “I sing about the things I love/I sing about the things I love….” To sing…

by Brent It’s not often that a music project combines excellence in songwriting, performance, lyrics, artwork, production, vision, and passion. In addition, there are precious…

by Brent Ask any discriminating music listener what their biggest complaint of music today is, and you’ll likely get some variation of this answer: “There…

by Brent Whimsical. Breathtaking. Aching. Intricate. All of these words could readily be used to describe the latest release from a musician/songwriter by the name…

by Brent Independent cd’s are a hit-miss proposition; you never know exactly what you’re going to get. When a band self-produces their work, there is…

by Brent For numerous months now, on independent music message boards, and on cd inserts, we’ve read the name Richard Swift. He’s been hyped as…

by Brent Firstly, let me begin this review by stating that I have a deep respect for Jeff Cloud. His independent music label, Velvet Blue…