OUT TODAY! City of Dawn & The Corrupting Sea: Mosaic of Senses (Somewherecold Records, 2021)
Today, the first collaboration between City of Dawn & The Corrupting Sea finally sees the light of day. It is called Mosaic of Senses and has been met with wonderful reviews as well as amazing fan reactions. Somewherecold Records is proud to put out the album like all the other amazing albums we have put out in 2021.
Mosaic of Senses is a process and recovery of the sensory. We use our mental health battles to express and reflect within. We combined compositions to form mental pictures or patterns and to capture the essence of the colors during the recording time.
City of Dawn & The Corrupting Sea have been talking about joining together to produce an album that expressed both of their struggles and their strengths. The result is a beautifully crafted ambient album made to sooth the soul. The listener is invited to join into the sonic folds found in each track in order to find rest.
Trading files across the internet, the two artists found inspiration in each others’ files and the work felt effortless and wonderfully fluid,
Get your copy today and enjoy the soft, healing tones of Mosaic of Senses.