Pre-order Is Now Live for Dreampop Duo Tender Tones!
The debut EP from the French group Tender Tones is now live for pre-order. There are only 30 copies available through Somewherecold Records and about 20 available through Shoredive Records in Britain.
Tender Tones is a French indie dreampop duo composed of Manon Deruytere and Maxime Pargaud. This Paris based band explores the most nostalgic, vibrant and dark side of shoegaze and synth pop music.
Their first EP, Youth Retirement Club, is, in many unexpected ways, the second one…Kind of. The majority of the initial material was stolen by burglars with barely no trace of the gear and the songs. But the band was haunted by the synth sounds they had captured, so they went back to music to try to recreate them. They rebuilt the most of the EP from what was left and their memory. All the songs resonate from their horrible experience.
Manon and Maxime really focus on recreating this smooth, haunting nostalgic feeling that synth pop can deliver. It’s not a pretext to make people dance or to add a fashion random chill sensation on a hook. From a melodic stand point, they also have a very french way of composing (unexpected layers, playful and kind of poetic instrumental lines, twisted textures) even if most of their tracks are sung in English.
This EP is full of unpredictable hooks and cinematic soundscapes too. Somewhere between a Visconti bittersweet candy and a haunting Melville movie…
The first single is “Red Lovers”, which is downloadable with the pre-order.
Tender Tones: Youth Retirement Club will be released on November 14, 2020 on limited CD in association with Britain’s Shore Dive Records (Only 30 copies on SWCR).