BANDCAMP DAY/RELEASE DAY – John the Silent: That We Partake of Heaven/The Resistance Comp II (Somewherecold Cold, 2020)
A huge day for Somewherecold Records today! First, it is Bandcamp day. They wave their 10% fee for all artists and labels. At Somewherecold Records, we will be giving the 10% savings to the ACLU. All the money collected from the new compilation mentioned below will go toward the ACLU as well.
As far as releases, John the Silent has a brand new EP entitled That We Partake of Heaven that comes in our icebox series. It’s a brilliant piece of subtle and memorizing ambience. I can’t say enough about John the Silent‘s work. Live, his sets are Eno-esque, sparse, and beautiful and this comes across beautifully in his recordings. If you haven’t checked out his full-length on the label, Pollution/Oportunity,I highly recommend you do.
Next up, we have a project that has been in the works for some time. The Resistance Compilation II: In Support of the ACLU is now out. It is a 2 hour and 45 minute tour de force of tracks from bands on Somewherecold Records. We purposefully wanted to showcase what the label is doing and has done in one compilation and here it is. The front end of the album showcases the Ambient/Experimental side of the label, it transitions with our first Slowcore artist Tender Mercy, and then explodes into tracks from our Shoegaze and Dreampop bands. I am very humbled and proud to have all these bands and musicians in my life and on my label. I’m always shocked that they have trusted me with their art.

image by M. Cody McPhail
As the title suggests, all proceeds from this compilation will go to the ACLU. They are a very important organization in the United States in the fight against oppression, racism, and hate. At this time in the U.S.’s history, we stand at a junction in the road and Somewherecold Records wants to do something for those on the front lines!
The compilation contains some old and some new tracks. Given the Covid situation, some bands just couldn’t record together and that’s clearly obvious so some of their former tracks appear on the compilation. However, the new tracks do outnumber the older tracks. There are new tracks from A Journey of Giraffes, John the Silent, Akkad the Orphic Priest, Aura Gaze, Chad Mossholder, Anders Brorby, Ander, Federico Balducci, Droneroom, Aidan Baker, Nonconnah, The Warm Jets, Blanket Swimming, Fritz Pape, Brian Wenckebach, Robert Scott Thompson, Owl Eyes, Winterwood, Yellow6, The Corrupting Sea, Tender Mercy, The Beremy Jets, Tape Deck Mountain, Star Guided Vessel, Tombstones in their Eyes, Outward, Tymbro, and Brief Candles. The remainder of the tracks from from our back catalog, which I recommend you check out. Some of our back catalog is very low in stock.