NOW STREAMING: The Somewherecold Radio Hour #30
Hello Somewherecold faithful! I’m super stoked about this week’s show! This week, I played tracks from Backwards Charm, Daniel Trainor-McKinnon, Gloomy, Corasandel, Bella Lune, Lightfoils, Yumi Zouma, dottie, Glaring, Melon Yellow, Blue Vanity, Men I Trust, Pale Air, and Anxious Manchild. I hope you will all be able to tune in next time on DKFM Shoegaze Radio at 9pm PST/Midnight EST for a brand new Somewherecold Radio Hour every second and fourth Weds of the month! Tune in at https://decayfm.com/ or on the DKFM app!
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