NOW STREAMING: The Somewherecold Radio Hour #20 – Two World Premieres!
Hello Somewherecold faithful! The newest episode of The Somewherecold Radio Hour is now streaming with two world premieres! The first world premiere is from the forthcoming debut full length Careless from The Beremy Jets! Do not miss this because the track is amazing! Equally amazing is the new single from All Sparks Burn Out that features Kelly Hanlon from Terra Pines/DEAFCULT on vocals. I will also play tracks from Daysee, Dreamend, Blurred City Lights, Nilein, Fuvk, Crystal Canyon, Jaguwar, Corvalis, Myopic, Foliage, Starman Jr., and High Sunn. For new shows when they happen, tune in on Weds night at 8pm PST/11pm EST at https://decayfm.com/ or on the commercial free, brand new DKFM app.
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