NOW STREAMING: The Somewherecold Radio Hour Episode #16 – Top 15 Shoegaze/Dreampop EPs of 2017
On this episode, Jason of The Somewherecold Radio Hour counts down the top 15 Shoegaze and Dreampop EP’s of 2017! Yup, that’s right! Another countdown show to finish the year. This is the last show that will air for TSWCRH for 2017. The show will include tracks from Colour of Spring, Violent Dreams, Venn, Ulrich Schnauss, Blushing, Glaze, Visiting Diplomats, 93millionmilesfromthesun, Age of Colored Lizards, Danxia, Surf Rock is Dead, Curelight Wounds, Oxy, Landing, and The Beremy Jets! Check it out on mixcloud and don’t forget to tune into the show on the 2nd and 4th Weds of every month at 8pm PST and 11pm EST.
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