PRE-ORDER! The Corrupting Sea: Symphony of a Radical (Somewherecold Records, 2017)

PRE-ORDER! The Corrupting Sea: Symphony of a Radical (Somewherecold Records, 2017)

Hello again Somewherecold faithful! Well, we have another pre-order up! The Corrupting Sea has finished the last album in a trilogy from this year. It is entitled Symphony of a Radical and is over an hour of music. The album comes out on September 1.

The Corrupting Sea is the ambient project of Jason Lamoreaux. Symphony of a Radical is the conclusion to a trilogy of albums which have been released throughout 2017 under his The Corrupting Sea moniker. An exercise in minimalism. Symphony of a Radical is the sonic story of Lamoreaux’s worst year in his life to date. Each track explores sparse soundscapes moving from guitars, to bass, to midi as mediums of aural storytelling. Of the trilogy, this was Lamoreaux’s first album recorded and its release has been a longtime coming. Clocking in at over an hour, the album is fraught with moments of darkness and despair but not without an underlying hope. Symphony of a Radical was recorded, mixed, and mastered in Lamoreaux’s home office or what he has dubbed Somewherecold Studios. Entirely DIY, like the albums that came before it, he hopes listeners will take an empathetic sonic journey with him. Symphony of a Radical is being released on very limited (50 copies) compact disc and in digital format.”

There are only 50 copies of this CD and it is now up for pre-order at the Bandcamp site.


The Corrupting Sea: Symphony of a Radical Tracks
1. Entry
2. May I Speak Frankly? Fuck Off Good Sir!
3. Plague of Golden Locusts
4. My Head is Full of Facts and Ignorance is Dangerous
5. Attracted to the Shiny Until It Kills You
6. Silver Angels Sloughing Skin
7. There are Monsters Among Us and They are Going to Kill Us
8. 2016
9. Wake Sleep
10. The Refuge
11. Exit

In other The Corrupting Sea news, there is a scheduled EP to come out from Silber Records soon as well as a 2018 full-length that will be coming out on the Katuktu Collective.

Silber Records

Katuktu Collective

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