The Beremy Jets: Alchemy Attack EP (Independent, 2016)
by Jason
The Beremy Jets is the solo project of Paul Saarnak, drummer of Slowmotion Club and LKWRM. While Slowmotion Club is a more straightforward alt-rock band, LKWRM is certainly more in line with The Beremy Jets in that it is another shoegaze project. Alchemy Attack is The Beremy Jets’ first outing and it is a four song E.P. Paul hails from Sweden and, here, steps out from behind the drum kit to include a multi-instrumental extravaganza of shoegaze bliss.
Alchemy Attack begins with “Misadventure”. The guitar is wild, noisy as its open and plays amidst driving bass and drums. The guitars then become blissed out and carry the listener on this fantastic, shoegazery ride. Paul adds layers of guitar to the track as it moves along. Eventually, vocals, low in the mix, begin to murmur under the walls of sound. It’s a great introduction to Paul’s abilities and his multi-instrumental talents are clear. He’s stepped out from the drum set and definitely proven he can created wonderful song structures on his own. “All but Gone” is reminiscent of early Slowdive, but Paul’s voice has a much lower tone and it lends a different texture to the overall sound. While that is the case, it is still wistful and floating even though it sounds heavier than say a Rachel Goswell or even a Jeff Kandefer.
“Reticulating Spine” is absolutely dreamy from the start. Glimmering guitars sit on an almost syncopated, swinging beat that makes me think of slow, 50’s pop. An organ plays amongst the shimmering guitars and a hook enters to play a wonderful melody. A shaker adds texture to the mix while bright keys are layered throughout. This is shoegaze at its finest. “Mark Collins, Age 45” brings the E.P. to its finale. It begins with a sample of a person talking about a Vietnam vet who returned from the war only to find out his daughter and fiancé were murdered. A light, strumming guitar begins with the sample still detectible but unintelligible below the surface. It’s difficult to tell if the sample plays throughout the track because sometimes it seems audible, sometimes not. This is because the layers build up as keys and guitars build beautiful soundscape walls of sound. This track clocks in at 8:16 and is by far the longest on the E.P. Paul shows patience on it as he interweaves layers upon layers of guitars and synths as drums and bass undergird that massive wall of sound that eventually comes to a crescendo. The release at the end is perfect, letting go of that wall and ending, ever briefly, with much quieter synths.
Paul Saarnak is the real deal. His song structure is strong and compelling and his ability to craft walls of sound and beautiful soundscapes is evident. The only issue I really have with Alchemy Attack is that it is too short. It most certainly leaves the listener wanting more. I really hope Club AC30 or Clairecords picks up The Beremy Jets and gives Paul’s music a proper release.
Listen to The Beremy Jets here: https://theberemyjets.bandcamp.com/releases
[…] and is the drummer for LKWRM and Slowmotion Club. In 2016, he released his first E.P. entitled Alchemy Attack. “Six Degrees of Separation Anxiety” is the second track on the Backup Friend E.P. […]