by Jason Eluvium is the project of Matthew Cooper, who has abandoned many of the conventional instruments used by bands and by him in the past….

by Jason Rhode Island based shoegaze outfit The Brother Kite comes to the table with a new and more matured sound. Yes, it’s not just the…

by Jason She, Sir is from the city that wants to be “kept weird,” Austin, Texas. Consisting of Russell Karloff, M. Grusha, Ferrick Hallaron IV, and…

by Jason Hailing from Denmark, The Figurines are a four man band consisting of Kristian Colden, Andreas Toft, Christian Hjelm, and Claus Salling Johansen. Skeletons is their…

by Jason Mono and World’s End Girlfriend have gotten together to collaborate on an epic disc of instrumental innovation. Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refrain is a story told…

by Jason Hailing from Buffalo, New York, this group of shoegazers brings new-gaze to new heights. Their soaring guitars and wistful vocals combine to bring…

by Jason Formed in Buffalo, New York in 2004, The Daysleepers craft soaring walls of sound with melody and driven percussion. The band consists of…

by Jason August Stars is the project of Sebastien Wright. Begun in 2002, Music for Twilight is a compilation of songs recorded between 2002 and 2005. Describing…

by Jason Hailing from Washington, DC, Alcian Blue has finally released their S/T debut full-length on Elephant Stone Records. Their selection of new-gaze releases throughout the…

by Jason Hailing from sunny Southern California, Odelia is a band that has a unique sound. Their raw, home recording style is a breath of…