Dean Garcia of Curve
by Jason
This interview with Dean was conducted prior to Toni’s letter posted at the Curve site about her no longer continuing Curve. Hence, Dean is vague about future plans in the interview and respects Toni’s timing to get out the word when she was ready.
Hello Dean, thanks for taking the time to do this …
For most of our readers, you certainly need no introduction. So, I will get right to the chase. Tell us where Curve is at right now? Is there a new album in the works?
To be honest no recording with Curve is planned for this year as we’ve both had enough of it for the time being, I’m not saying we won’t be recording ever again but certainly not in the near future. I don’t really want to go into detail at this, as it’s all very sketchy if you know what I mean.
From what I have read, you have personally dealt well with your dealings with labels. Having moved passed that, what do you see as viable ways to release new albums? Will you continue to release music digitally or perhaps on a smaller label?
See above, but I will be recording under a new name of DOG LAB and plan to release as much independent music as possible in the coming year…collaborations and different projects will all be available via THE DOG LAB website which is under construction and will be published in Feb 2005….onwards and waywards…
Personally, can you tell us how you have seen your art develop from Blindfold to your current songs? How has Curve’s sound morphed over the years?
I think it has followed the times and kept up with modern recording techniques. The basic writing and recording principle is and always will be the same. It’s all down to the moment and the day, sometimes it’s good and others you can bash away for hours and nothing sounds right.
Can you give us any indication of your writing process? How do you approach a song and how do you approach your recording process?
The writing/recording procedure is exactly the same as the first record we made…I get some musical idea and we go at it. Toni writes the words as we go and that’s that..if the elements don’t gel very quickly then we mostly move onto something else until it does.
How often do both of you get together to work on ideas these days?
Not much these days as we are both in different modes with other priorities
Will “Open Day at the Hate Fest” or “The New Adventures of Curve” ever have an official release in stores?
No…both are what they are ODATHF is now out of print and we don’t plan to press anymore as it was always a limited edition thing..you can get both albums as MP3s via the Curve site but that’s it.
Are there any plans to work with Debbie Smith of Echobelly again?
Would love to work with Debbie (Snow Pony now) much better band…in fact I think I’ll call her now and see if she fancies playing some guitar on a few tracks…
Alan Moulder has worked with both of you for many years now. Does he go on the road with you and participate in live shows?
No…I think he’s got better things to do…he was always supportive when we played live and came to as many shows as poss…a real trooper.
Will Curve be coming to the States anytime soon for a tour?
Are there any artists that you would personally claim as influences on your music? Are there any authors that inspire you?
re authors my favourite writer has to be Irvine Welsh…the last three GLUE FILTH AND PORNO are all brilliant.
What artists or albums are you listening to these days?
YOU TELL ME….?? Prods track Spitfire is one of the best tracks I’ve heard for ages, I’m so bored with current rock music. I like Lemon Jelly as they seem to have a clue, hate most new bands I hear or see, with the exception of one..YYYeahs, very cool very fucking strange and Karen O is buff
Any other comments?
Yeah, can I have my cup of tea now…
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