by Brent Why Sappington is not a wildly successful band is beyond me. Combining post-apocalyptic, dark electronic noises with slow, delicate melodies, Sappington has already…

by Brent You gotta love independent music. You buy a cd from some starving, struggling musician…a cd virtually no one knows about, and it ends…

by Brent Firstly, let me begin this review by stating that I have a deep respect for Jeff Cloud. His independent music label, Velvet Blue…

by Brent I can’t get enough of this group. Maybe it’s the great pop melodies. Maybe it’s the dreamy, blissed- out guitars that embrace so…

by Jason I found out about Loquat through the Dreams by Degrees Fall 10”. They hail from San Francisco and have been playing live within…

by Jason Fall. When the summer heat is beat back by blustery winds and shorter days. When the night throws its long shadow across the…

by Jason The Last Temptation of Frank Lenz arrived in my mailbox and I was very excited. Frank has done so much in the indie…

by Brent For my first attempt at writing a music review, I am going with Ln’s Imaginary Cars. This ep is a beautiful, subdued, and…

by Brent Ahhh, the legend of The Lassie Foundation. By now, many of you know who they are, and what they’ve accomplished as a band,…

by Brent The first Joe Christmas cd, Upstairs Overlooking, was a lesson in how fun and strange an indie rock band can be. Loud, screeching…