by Brent How did the Southern Sea form? (and who’s in the band?) As for the who is in the band; myself (Billy Hale), Marc…

by Brent Devin Bustin is a young songwriter playing out of Southern Ohio. Combining confessional and poetic lyrics with moving folk-influenced music, Bustin and his…

by Jason Could you please introduce yourselves to our readers? Who are you? Where do you live? Who plays what in the band? How did…

by Jason Hello all in The Brother Kite. Would you please introduce yourselves to our readers? When did the band form? Andrea – My name…

by Jason Hello Christian and Sean. Thanks for doing this. Can you tell us how Monster Movie formed and how you decided on the name?…

by Brent How did you get your start in music? Well I’ve been playing guitar since I was I a kid, I didn’t actually start…

by Jason and Brent How did you get started in music? My earliest recollections concerning music performance are doing music in church as a small…

by Brent How did the Autumns form? The original lineup met in high school. We were friends, interested in the same bands, etc. So we…

by Jason Hello all in Explosions in the Sky. Introduce yourselves to our readers please. Who plays what? How and when did you form? michael–bass…

by Jason Thanks for doing this interview for Somewhere Cold. Could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Where are you from and who plays…