Tender Tones Debut EP Youth Retirement Club Out Today!
I have always loved a brilliant set of synthpop mixed with dreamy textures and dreampop structures. Well, when I first heard Tender Tones: Youth Retirement Club, I knew they needed to join the Somewherecold Family. In conjunction with Shoredive Records, Somewherecold Records released this wonderful EP on digital as well as limited CD (already sold out at Somewherecold Records but there are some left at Shore Dive Records). Tender Tones is made up of the Parisian duo Manon Deruytere and Maxime Pargaud. This EP was the result of picking up the pieces of an already lost set of tracks the duo had worked on and, on Youth Retirement Club, we have their resurrection. Glossy, gorgeous, with touches of nostalgia and melancholy, the duo have crafted some of the best synthpop of the year.