THIS WEDS: The Somewherecold Radio Hour #26 – The Resistance Compilation Premiere!
The Somewherecold Radio Hour returns on DKFM Shoegaze Radio with a series of tracks that are new (or almost new. I’ve played a few before on the show). All the tracks appear on Somewherecold Records’ Resistance compilation in support of The Southern Poverty Law Center. For those who are unfamiliar with The Southern Poverty Law Center, it’s mission to fight hate and bigotry and to seek justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the Southern Poverty Law Center works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality. They track, analyze data about, and compile information on hate groups, militias, anti-LGBTQ organizations, and white supremacist groups such as the KKK and utilize their information to educate the public, law enforcement agencies, and litigators across the United States. You can check out the organization here: https://www.splcenter.org/about.
I’ll be playing tracks from the Resistance compilation from Venn, Beatastic, Gustavo Leyes, Nax, Pia Fraus, Highspire, Orange Crate Art, The Beremy Jets, Vlimmer, Tears Run Rings, Xeresa, and Blackpool Astronomy. Not included in the show are the tracks from Lazy Legs, which appears on their Chain of Pink EP as well as The Corrupting Sea‘s new track “Take a Knee”. Tune into DKFM Shoegaze Radio at https://decayfm.com/ or on the DKFM app at 9pm PST or Midnight EST.
The Resistance compilation will be available after the show Weds for $1 + whatever you want to give to the cause. You can purchase the comp at this link once it goes live!
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