by Jason Elika is the third offering from Thisquietarmy Records. A male/female duo hailing from Brooklyn, they are another group re-defining the new-gaze genre. With Evagelia…

by Brent No super-glossy emo-faux goth photo spreads of a band trying to look “edgy”, or “depressed”, or “mysterious”. No whiny falsetto or minor-key guitar…

by Brent Sometimes art (whether music or otherwise) is made with the benefit of the audience in mind. On other occasions, though, art-making is a…

by Jason and Brent How did Early Day Miners form? EDM formed in 1997 in Bloomington, I was looking to do a project that was…

The cds and artists we found deserving merit for 2006. Yes, there were tons of other discs that deserved distinction, but we had to limit…