Gary Murray of LN

Gary Murray of LN

by Brent

When did you start playing music?

’92, ’93 somewhere around then.

I’ve seen little articles and reviews describe you as “the elusive” Gary Murray. Would you describe yourself in this way?

well, I avoided most interviews and LN doesn’t play many shows. I guess people tagged me with the ‘elusive’ label because of this. That’s all cool with me actually. I’m not out to be a rock star, indie star, or the darling of any scene. I do my thing and I hope people like it.

What musical artists would you say influence your work in Ln?

There are so many for so many different influences. I’m not sure I can name them individually.

How did you hook up with Velvet Blue Music?

I recorded a demo, sent it to Cloud and the rest, as they say, is history.

What are the lyrical themes of Ln’s songs?

Themes vary from song to song. Loneliness, Heartbreak, Hope, Redemption, etc.

Novel just may be the best cd of the year for me. Can you describe a little bit of the songwriting and recording process?

The recording process was long and tedious. There are like four other versions of every song on ‘novel’. It was just finding and getting what I thought was the right approach to the songs, and, the right sound for the overall record. It’s hard to explain. The songwriting was no different than any earlier LN releases. I write on an acoustic guitar, then re-write and tweak the tracks out in the studio.

A member of Au Revoir Borealis appeared on Novel. How did you link up with them?

Three members of Au Revoir Borealis actually. Justin, Steve and Steph. AuRB opened for Jessica Bailiff at the beginning of a tour a few years back. Unbeknownst to me the members of AuRB were huge LN fans. We all clicked, did a few more shows and have been great friends ever since.

What is it like playing with Jessica Bailiff?

Jessica is amazing. That’s all I have to say. Pick up her new self-titled CD on Kranky and prepare to be dazzled.

Your Firelands ep is highly anticipated among fans of slower music. Can you give us a little hint as to the sound?

It’s going to be quite a bit softer than anything LN has done. Lyrically stronger in my opinion and quite full of little surprises that I think will freak everyone out. You’ll just have to wait.

Will you tour in support of Novel or Firelands?

No plans yet.

What do you think is in the future for Ln?

“I know who holds tomorrow. and I know who holds my hand.”

Do you have anything else you want to say?

contact LN at

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