Kat Jones
by Brent
Give us a better idea of who you are?
I’m not quite sure what you mean when you ask this question. I guess I’m an introspective songwriter who enjoys writing about her own and other people’s struggles both physical and spiritual so that others can learn through them.
How did you get your start in music?
Um, I started hanging out with a band that was gaining popularity my junior year of high school. They really took me under their wing, started making it their job to teach me about music and poetry. Through that I started interning for a recording studio. From that point I started taking vocal lessons and guitar lessons and hung out in the studio for hours at a time every day. It was very great. The perfect starting point for me.
How would you describe your songwriting process?
Different every time.
What kinds of experiences inspire you to write the lyrics that you do?
Quite a range of things. Right now I’m doing what is called the Demos for Lenz series. Which basically works this way: People can send me something that has inspired them or something that they think might inspire me as I write the new record or they can send me a donation so that I can pay my bills while I’m in Southern California recording with Frank. If they do this I will send them copies of the demos I have been sending to Frank for pre-production. It’s fairly rough stuff… really rough mixes… but not many people get to see a project all the way through… they just get the finished one. that’s what I always loved about Radiohead. Is that they always have made their songwriting process very public as far as the bare bones for a song are concerned. This is kind of different from that but still fun. The only thing that I’m asking of everyone is that they not load it onto the internet… again.. the recordings are really very rough.
How did you come into contact with Velvet Blue Music?
I sent my demo into VBM to get on the Unsigned Artist comp. I got a letter accepting me onto the comp and asking me to call cloud in the mail. I was very excited. At that point VBM was the only label I really wanted to be on. The rest is history I suppose.
Describe for us the recording process of the “Building” ep. What was it like working with Frank Lenz, and Jeff Cloud, and are you happy with the results?
Working with all of them was amazing and I’m totally happy with the results. The demo (Building) was originally just supposed to be a demo for various record labels but we decided to release it on VBM after a period of me praying and asking God for wisdom as how I was supposed to respond to a couple of the offers that came in. Working with Frank and Jeff was totally intimidating at first. I mean, to be honest these were too people that I just totally looked up to when we started working together – so I was really nervous. But they are both 2 of the most wonderful people I know. I love them so much. It helps to relax me immensely.
Since the release of Building, you’ve done extensive touring across USA. How has your music been received, and what is your favorite part of touring?
I think the music has been received pretty well. It’s hard to tell when you don’t have a full length record out to support yet (which we are in the studio recording right now). I love touring… I’d have to say the best part of it is that you meet CRAZY people and get these NUTS stories to tell your friends when you get home. Plus, I get to do music full time. Which is pretty freakin’ rad. Totally a blessing and a dream come true.
What is in the future for Kat Jones as a recording artist?
Finish the new album and then tour like crazy again. Who knows what will happen after that. It’s up to God. I’m going to make an attempt at getting together a band to back me up on the road also.
Are there any unique challenges or dynamics in being a solo female artist?
I would have to say that sometimes I get shoved under the rug sometimes by promoters because I think I get stereotyped by being a girl with a guitar. No one assumes it might be cool until they see me. I just figure that I have to do quite a bit of touring for a while and sort of prove those stereotypes wrong. Maybe I won’t be able to do that. Who knows. But I’m fairly confident that I don’t really fit that mold.
What do you think of the state of independent music right now?
It’s crowded.
Who are some artists that you are listening to, or admire, currently?
I LOVE Over The Rhine, Radiohead, Innocence Mission, Unbelievable Truth, Denison Witmer, Ryan Adams, and the White Stripes.
My favorite unsigned bands are: The Soma Holidays, Avendesora, and the Dance Imperative.
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